SORG Course – Surgical Access to the TMJ and Condyle @ BAOMS London

June 20, 2022 | Highlight Pre-Congress Event @ BAOMS | SORG Course on Surgical Access to the TMJ and Condyle, London, United Kingdom | Accredited with 8 EACMFS CME Credits
In this course you will understand and apply the principles of minimally invasive access to the temporomandibular joint at fresh frozen human cadavers and much more. This event is a 100% hands-on workshop with a maximum of two participants per anatomical specimen only!

Course faculty
+ Dr. Barbara Gerber
+ Dr. Niall McLeod
+ Dr. Dr. Nadeem Saeed
+ Dr. Andrew Sidebottom


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Aim of the Course

  • Understand and apply the principles of minimally invasive access to the temporomandibular joint
  • Be able to access the temporomandibular joint from an extraoral and an intraoral approach
  • Understand the different approaches to the condyle and ramus of the mandible and be able to undertake these

Language | English

Course Venue I Griffin Institute at Northwick Park Hospital in London (UK)

Course fee | £ 450 (The course fee includes coffee breaks and a lunch.)

Limited to max. 15 attendees

Note | Cadavers will be shared with a parallel flap raising course.

In conjunction with BAOMS


Organizer on behalf of S.O.R.G. e.V.: Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co. KG, KLS Martin Platz 1, 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany

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20 Jun 2022


8:30 am - 5:00 pm

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