SORG Course – Surgical Access to the TMJ and Condyle @ BAOMS London
June 20, 2022 | Highlight Pre-Congress Event @ BAOMS | SORG Course on Surgical Access to the TMJ and Condyle, London, United Kingdom | Accredited with 8 EACMFS CME Credits |
In this course you will understand and apply the principles of minimally invasive access to the temporomandibular joint at fresh frozen human cadavers and much more. This event is a 100% hands-on workshop with a maximum of two participants per anatomical specimen only!
Course faculty
Aim of the Course
Language | English Course Venue I Griffin Institute at Northwick Park Hospital in London (UK) Course fee | £ 450 (The course fee includes coffee breaks and a lunch.) Limited to max. 15 attendees Note | Cadavers will be shared with a parallel flap raising course. In conjunction with BAOMS
Organizer on behalf of S.O.R.G. e.V.: Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co. KG, KLS Martin Platz 1, 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany |